City Council Agenda Item Request Form

Do you have something that needs City Council discussion and approval? Use this form to get on the Council’s meeting agenda.

The Toledo Mayor and City Council would like you to know that the public is always welcome and encouraged to attend City Council Meetings. A “Public Input” section is observed during every meeting.

Agenda Items MUST BE Received at City Hall NO LATER than Thursday prior to the desired meeting.

Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.

If you prefer to download and print your request form, please follow the PDF Link.

PDF: City Council Agenda Item Request Form

City Council Agenda Request

If the above item is a concern or problem, have you followed the proper city procedures for resolution of the issue prior to asking for the item to be brought before council? *

* City Procedure: Please consult with City staff for city policy on issue? (Often City staff can answer your questions or help solve your problems without you having to attend a council meeting.) If the City staff can’t help, have you discussed the issue with the Mayor?

8 + 7 =

By taking the above steps prior to being put on the agenda, the city staff and Mayor can research the issue and if they can’t help you, they can give the council background information on the issue, problem, or concern.

**** If the above steps have not been followed and you still want the issue placed on the agenda, council may not have enough information to make a decision for resolution of your issue.****